It is very hot and humid here, but Dubai was at least 10 degrees hotter so we were not that shell shocked by the heat. Although here you spend more time outside air conditioned buidings than in Dubai. It is not as dirty and sketchy as Naples (Italy) believe it or not, so we were also pleasantly surprised and almost comfortable with it. We also learned how to cross the street in Naples where no one yields to pedestrians trying to navigate across 6 lanes of crazy italian drivers, half unpredictably weaving all over on motorcycles. Thailand same-same as they say. And Naples was equally dirty and smelly (if not more so, seriously). So we didn't really have much of a culture shock (yet) except for going through the food markets which some of you know can be a test of mental and physical strength especially when the only thing you want to eat is pepto bismol. Where are our philipinos now?! Coulda helped with identifying some things! In saying that, we are more likely to step outside the box and not be afraid as our late night smorgs on 31 taught us to try first and ask questions later (we love you guys!). We have found that this city is difficult if you have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (like Tawnya) as there is just way too much stimulus at all times. So it will be nice to see other hopefully more relaxing places.
So that brings us to our next plan. The rest of Thailand will have to wait for a few weeks as we are off to Vietnam on the 22nd!!! We gave our passports to Pop, yes his name, the guy outside of our hotel who apparently "1 million percent" guarantee will have our visas ready for us tomorrow night. Cheers Pop. He also got us a good deal on a flight and gave us real tickets tonight which ups our confidence in him. So if and when we get to Ho Chi Minh city (Saigon) we are possibly meeting up with our aussie pals Andy and Adam with whom we had a dance party in Naples when we were all too afraid to go outside at night. And then, Tawn's friend from way back Adrienne, will be in Nha Trang a few days later where we join her to do a 3 day dive certification course! How cool. We hope it all works out and that we get special price.
For those who have been following the saga, we have a digital camera now which we received on loan from Jode's mom in Dubai. So more pics will be coming if we can get it together. We also hope to finish the Europe posts from long ago that we're sure you are all desperate to see. If not, it needs to be finished for our own piece of mind. We started this damn it, and we will finish it!!
P.S. It is actually 2045h here not 0645h, did you think we would actually be up that early?!
Heh Jode, what is that apple bong looking thing you are sucking on in the Dubai pics? It looks rather interesting! The pics are so good and you both look very heathly and happy. We miss you bunches here but all is well on this end! Jode, your Mom is golfing incredibly well and beating me!!!! She hits the ball and it makes that sweet zing sound!! Lots of fun!! We golfed this morning and it was awesome. So keep up the great blogging girls and saty safe but have fun. Good luck with the deep sea diving. It is so cool to see whats in our waters. Awesome! I hope you get to do it!!!!! Thanks so much Jodi for including me in your emails. I love hearing from you!! Cheers girls!! Love Lor
Hey girls it's Dad again. I waited a whole day but could not help myself I have to tell you two that your passport is probably the most important thing you have right now. I hope Pop comes through good for you but identity fraud is huge business in asia and some of the most convicing people are not what they appear. In the future never surrender you papers unless it is a Government Official even then you should be hesitant. Sorry to rag on you two but I've been there and just want you to be safe. Continue having the time of your life.
Love Dad K
I need to know how you made out.
Jodi and Tawnya, Dad is absolutely correct!!! Your passport is your ticket home. It should be with you all the time. Jodi please phone me as soon as you get this message. Love Mom K. and concerned family members!!!
Okay its Mom K again, I just talked to Jodi and found out that Pops is a certified travel agent that does visas for several countries. Jodi and Tawnya have their passports and are now on a flight to Ho Chi Minh and will be updating the blog soon.
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