Monday, June 25, 2007

Mekong Delta (June 24)

We went to the Mekong Delta yesterday which was really cool and will post some pics about it. We are so lucky to live in Canada, we cannot believe how some people live over here. We have never loved our country so much after the things we saw yesterday. Primitive living and poverty. We took a 2.5h speedboat ride back to HCM city and feel like we saw the entire Mekong river which is massive. And Jodi didn't even get sick! We'll tell you more about it later, just trying to kill time. We did meet up with Andy and Adam, our Aussie friends (met them in Naples) and it was wicked. The four of us did the tour together and then went for an amazing Vietnamese supper.

Tawnya saw 4 cockroaches and 1 large rat last night (outside). It is time to leave the big city and get back to beach life!!

Pictures below:
- Getting on one of many boats
- Sights along the river
- Unicorn island and a bunch of cocks
- The island medical center (seriously)
- Baby in a hammock (the mother had a string attached to her toe that rocked the baby while she worked)
- Tawnya and Jodi with a cuddly python (very strong)
- Drinking banana wine, honey tea and local candies
- Adam drinking snake wine (yes, out of the jar to the right)
- Local fruit which we sampled while listening to a traditional Vietnamese band
- Jodi experiencing mekong life
- Another boat trip through the island canals
- Back to the Mekong River
- The 'houses' on the river coming into Saigon


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys
It was so awesome talking to you on the phone the other night. Miss you lots and lots.
Glad to see you haven't lost your sarcastic sense of humour. Sure it freaks out the folks but that's a small price to pay for entertaining the rest of us. (just kidding parents, ha ha) Don't forget, it's that jaded nature that will keep you safe.
As I said, loving the blog. It's really making me think I need to get off my bum and go somewhere. Naples here I come....or not.
Big Hugs for you both. Take care. Love Janet

Anonymous said...

Heh there girls, Have you ever stopped to think what this would have been like before the internet. Thank God we have it these days!! As for the yuckiness and the rats and cockroaches, jsut be thankful there are outside (so Far) Ha! Ha! Anyway just keep a light on in the room and the cockroaches will stay hidden but I'm not sure if the rats are photophobic!! Are you doing any shopping in these places? You can probablbly pick up electronics for cheap there can't you? I looked up where you two are on Google earth and holy shit, you were close to war country in Dubai!! They seem to avoid that rich little place though, don't they? Anyway, keep on with your awesome travels and incredible living that you're doing and know that you areoften in our thoughts and always in our prayers. Have a drink for me whenever you get the chance. Love Lor :^)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tawnya &Jode
So good to hear from you.You will want to kiss the ground when you get back home. That is one thing travelling will do for you especially in that part of the world I guess.
Saw Karen on the soccer field the other nite--she looks great & was holding up her end of the team effort on the field as well.
Workin' eve's tonite with Carol.
Made strawberry jam this am.
Is this where you are going to meet up with Age? Bye now . Have fun . We love you & miss you lots.
Love Mom V

Anonymous said...

Hi Ladies,

Just catchin up on your travels. I love reading about your trip, I giggle alot and say "wow" while reading. And I could tell just by the sounds of him that Pop was a wonderful man. Haha.

Luv ya!


Anonymous said... sounds like you are getting authentic Thai food without having to pay the fancy prices. I'm sure it's not as glamourous as it is made out to be on Whyte Ave!
All's well here. Just starting to get the good weather...finally. Everything in the garden has come up..3 colours of beans, 2 of beets, cukes, peas, carrots, zucchini and of course radishes. Ran out of room for the potatoes! Took an extra row for different lettuces. Exciting?
Glad to see your posting pics again. Culture is great. So many different ways of life. It's hard to believe you are almost half way thru the big tour! We have started a postcard collection on our corkboard and look forward to the next stop!
Take care, you two....Jenn