Friday, February 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Okay well its February, so not so new anymore, but it is for the blog!
Wow, it has been a long time since anything new here, so we thought a change of colors and template for the new year to get you all hooked again. Plus it kinda looks New Zealandish. We have been so busy over the last few months with visitors and are back to work again to make up for in between shifts we do what we gotta do and have a little fun on the side, so the blog has taken a backseat for awhile. There are a ton of pics to go through so it will be some task, but hopefully we can start that soon so you can see what we've been up to with all our guests. But not right now cuz we gotta go to work and tomorrow is the Busker's Festival, have to go out and enjoy the sun for all you poor unfortunate souls back in Alberta! We can't believe the weather over there. Hang in there folks!

1 comment:

david santos said...
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