Friday, August 24, 2007

Auckland, New Zealand

These are pics of Karen's fam out at the motorcross speedway. Karen's nephew was racing so we went for about a 2 hr drive south of Auckland near Hamilton. The drive was gorgeous as we were able to have a first glimpse of NZ's beauty. No pics of that though, it was pretty early in the morning and we weren't feeling too spry. Maybe the jetlag...and further on are a few pics of Auckland city when we went exploring with our fabulous Toyota Funcargo rental. What a hot car. People star at us everywhere we go. Must be jealous, we know you all are...that thing sure can rip around. Jodi's getting quite good at driving on the wrong side of the road! We are just trying to get our selves sorted with a place to live and possibly a job sometime, we now have a cell phone which is pretty exciting. One thing at a time and we will post more as we go. Right now we are staying in Manukau which is about 15-20min from city center. Karen's parents have generously taken us in and are feeding us very well and showing us around town. We went for Father's Day breaky today. Other than that we have been driving around in our sexy beast of a car sussing out the city and where we would like to set up, and trying to not get lost (there are lots of hills and bridges here). Gonna go for a drive down by the bay (haha) for real though. So more later when we've actually accomplished something!!

Jodi with our rental car "Sluey" and the Korean and Chinese exchange students. What makes our Jode happier? You pick. GOOOOO All Blacks!!!

(more pics coming for you Karen!)

We have arrived! The clean, fresh air is somehting we have not experienced for quite some time. Soooo Good. Feels like home. A little cool (13 degrees), but definately welcomed after having to constantly mop sweat off our faces for the past couple months. After being awake for nearly 36 hours now, we are off to bed... more to come soon!


Anonymous said...

Jodi and Tawnya, How exciting your finally there, and just as exciting I will also be there soon. Can't wait, I have been checking out flights daily. But I'm off to Vegas!!!!! 3 more sleeps. Talk to you next week. Love Mom K.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching your final destination!!!! (of this trip anyway) Your whole blog page changed with this arrival to NZ. Even the colors all changed to cool blues, etc. Did you guys do that? It looks pretty cool. Good luck with the job and accomodations, etc. Everything will go wonderfully for you guys!! Keep us posted and if you get to Dunedin, NZ I want to hear all about it. I had a boyfriend from there!!!!!!!!! Wish I was there with you girls but home is OK too!! Have fun! Love Lor

Anonymous said...

Oh, you guys! Looks like you are having the times of your lives! I am so reminiscing about our time in amazing it was! I was totally zoned into you guys while reading your updates for the past few hours! I so wish I was there with you two pretties! Enjoy your travels stay safe we love you and miss you sooo much! vizzel my manizzel xoxooxoxoxoxo we think of you every day! Kerry

Anonymous said...

Hey there ladies! Congrads to the final distination. I'm just here at your mom and dad's house. They fed my mom and I well as usual! Miss you. So excited for you guys. Talk to you later! Suer

Anonymous said...

Hi gals
Tawn this is so cool talking to you on skipe. Looks like you have settled in at Karen's. I am told you could go sking in the mountains still in N Z.Have you caught up on your sleep yet? Saw Karen at work the other day--she looks awesome & a sweetie too.
We had a good visit with Auntie Gail & Kendra last nite. They were in Salt Lake City last week for a conference. We love you & miss you.

iLL Man said...

Hey you two........Great MotoX pics. Hope things are rolling along well and yr having a great time.

Maybe I lack a sense of time, but I can't believe what you've crammed into one summer. Awesome.

