Monday, August 20, 2007

Bangkok, Thailand (August 20 - 23)

Here we are in tha Kok once again. So much shopping to be done, so little time...then on to NZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous about your Diving!! Wish I could do it. There's an amazing life under the water. How deep have you gone! How are your ears now Jodi? The weather here has turned to crap, the skies look like winter and the wind is cold. We're wimping out of golf but going to lunch! I noticed that no one had written and we couldn't have you two thinking that we aren't out there somewhere but maybe evryone here is gloomy like the skies! Except your mom Jodi, she's pumped!! I'll let her tell you her news!! Anyway girls, when is your arrival day for NZ? Will you get to dive there do you think? Just keep on blogging to us and having fun and travel safe!! You are close to having dressers and closets for your clothes instead of a backpack!! Bet that sounds nice for you!! Take good care of each other, Love Lor

Anonymous said...

OOOHHHHH so jealous!!! Shopping in Bangkok!! Damn you!! I can't wait to hear next about your NZ adventures! Be safe gals!


Anonymous said...

I hope you're not broke yet, but I guess pay cheques are on the way!


Anonymous said...

Jodi & Tawnya

Sorry it has been so long. As you probably know all is well in Edmonton except for the weather. It feels like fall is quickly approching. I'm sure we are all crossing our fingers that we will get some more nice weather. Jodi your moms surprise birthday party turned out great except we missed having you there. We are off to the lake tomorrow with a fast come back on Sunday morning to grap our bags and head off to the airport. Viva Las Vegas here we come. It exciting to know that you guys will soon be in one place - NZ.
Take care, be good, and stay safe.

Love Aunty Lorraine