Friday, August 31, 2007


Why is no one voting for the car? Its really sweet.

Boxes, boxes, boxes. So many boxes, what to choose? And we thought finding decent accommodation in Asia was hard...

I'm sure you are all curious to know what the hell we have been doing in NZ and to see some pictures. Well you will have to wait a little longer. We have been working very hard to get this Blog up to date, so that has taken precedence over the new pictures, sorry!

But the following posts have now been updated with a ridiculous number of pictures:

- Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Siem Reap, Cambodia

Just click on July in the archives to the right and scroll down, and enjoy!!
More updates to follow, so stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

Jodi & Tawnya

Hi girls!! Sounds like you are well on your way to getting settled in NZ. Haven't had enough time to get completely caught up on your blog but have managed to skim through it quickly. Everything sounds so exciting. As you know your mom and I (Susan and Della also) have safely returned from hot hot Las Vegas. We even managed to come home with money in our pockets. Managed to squeeze in three shows and do a lot of power shopping. Susan is what we would now consider a Vegas pro. There is no stopping her now. Had supper at Jamie and Andre's (??) house yesterday with some of us tearfully wishing Landon well in Toronto. Gee, I wonder who that
could have been?? Cody is starting a new job tomorrow at Tristar Plumbing. Hopefully things will work out well for him. Staying with The City of Edmonton was a good paying job that was really going no where. We are heading into the busy time of year at work with lots of changes happening in the store.
I have a big Hunter Douglas display coming in shortly and lot of stuff to do to get ready for it. Uncle Josh and I would also like to head out to Carson Pegasus for a fall camping weekend. Not quite sure if we will be able to find the time to go. The trailer is still out at the lake so I'm not sure what we are going to do yet. Bye for now. Be good and stay safe.

Love Aunty Lorraine

Anonymous said...

Hi Ladies,

I am missing you both tons as you have been gone for a long time! Sounds like you are settling into NZ well. Love the hot car.

Tracy :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys
Glad you made it safely to NZ. It's so nice of Karen's family to adopt you. I just got back from 3 weeks in the Maritimes with my fam, I ate some lobster and broke out in a rash. Got a tan, though.
I LOVE the car but I don't think you should live in it. I vote for the nice place with a view. For the sake of $80 a month, you need to like where you live. Treat yourself.
BIG HUG X 2. Love Janet